Benefits of Accelerated Orthodontics with AcceleDent™

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Modern orthodontic treatments such as metal braces are incredibly effective for patients that would like to straighten their smile. Unfortunately, some treatments require patients to wear their orthodontic devices for years on end.

AcceleDent™ activators utilize a new pulse technology to decrease the amount of time that orthodontic devices must be worn. Patients are now able to straighten their smile in just a fraction of the time and limit the amount of discomfort that they will experience during their treatment.

A Look at Orthodontic Treatments

Many of the most common orthodontic treatments such as metal braces and Invisalign® aligners act in a very similar manner. They apply pressure to specific teeth in order to “pull” them back into the correct position. This is a somewhat lengthy process depending on the severity of the malocclusion, and many patients require multiple years of treatment.

Researchers have found that the use of pulse technology can speed up tooth movement and reduce the amount of time that other orthodontic devices are needed.

What is AcceleDent™?

AcceleDent™ was approved by the FDA in 2009 as a Class II medical device. This product was designed to be placed over one’s existing orthodontic devices for at least 20 minutes a day to speed up how quickly the teeth move.

This technology works by creating continuous “micropulses” that stimulate one’s teeth and jaws. Studies have shown that this continuous stimulation helps with the process of bone remodeling.

As an added bonus, this technology can also reduce the amount of discomfort that patients have when their braces are tightened, or they switch to new Invisalign® trays. Most patients can avoid discomfort with over-the-counter painkillers and cold presses, but some may still experience minor swelling and soreness. AcceleDent™ can limit discomfort that a patient might feel.

Your Personalized Treatment

Just as with all other orthodontic treatments, it is important to schedule an initial consultation so that you know exactly what to expect. This process will begin with us carefully inspecting your mouth to ensure that you have no oral health issues that will affect the final results of your treatment.

Most patients will need to leave AcceleDent™ in their mouth for at least 20 minutes a day. This can take place when you are watching TV, working on the computer, or even driving your car.

Pulse technology has helped countless patients treat their malocclusion and create a world-class smile. If you have recently begun to explore your orthodontic treatment options, then contact Lach Orthodontic Specialists today to schedule an appointment.

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