Your smile is one of the most important features of your face. It accents your emotions, complements your self-esteem and helps to build the complete image of how others see you. The problem is that few smiles are perfect. People worry constantly about their smiles, but they view the treatment for crooked and uneven teeth as something worse than the symptoms of an imperfect smile. They’re afraid of the discomfort, awkwardness and image issues that could arise from having traditional wire braces.
The good news is that a new type of treatment exists for people with the most common types of teeth alignment issues. Invisalign® can discreetly treat your smile while maximizing your comfort and minimizing the effect that braces have on your overall image.
What is Invisalign®?
Most people are familiar with the way traditional braces work. They are attached to central places on the teeth. A wire pulls the teeth in a certain direction, which in turn results in the realignment of the teeth as they shift about in the jaw bones. They’re also familiar with the way this can be uncomfortable, intrusive and awkward. Everything from food in the braces to potential dental complications can arise as the result of these braces.
Invisalign® works similarly to traditional braces, but it lacks any metal equipment. It involves a series of unique trays designed to align the teeth through their use over a period of six to 18 months. These trays can be worn at night and during the day. They are transparent, which in turn makes them difficult to notice. Their form does not create awkward rubbing against the soft tissue in the mouth. They can be removed when you desire to eat or when additional comfort is desired.
Why Do They Align Best with the Needs of Adults?
There are a number of reasons why Invisalign® aligns with the needs of adults better than traditional braces. The first is the fact that it is designed to treat the most common teeth alignment issues, which includes overcrowding and uneven spacing. The custom-fit nature of the trays allows for these problems to swiftly be fixed.
The second reason revolves around the way these aligners are designed to integrate seamlessly with the life of adults. Their appearance is hard to notice, which in turn leaves your smile to become progressively beautiful without the worry that other people are judging you for using a device to correct “imperfect” teeth.
The last major reason revolves around the progress of Invisalign® alignment. Our orthodontist will routinely check the performance of the Invisalign® trays, which in turn will ensure that any complications can be corrected during your treatment rather than after.
Are You a Good Candidate?
To determine if Invisalign® is ideal for your orthodontic needs, schedule a consultation at Lach Orthodontic Specialists, with locations in Oviedo and Orlando. We can evaluate your needs and use our experience to determine the most effective and least invasive ways to make your smile beautiful. Contact us today to book your orthodontic appointment.